Old words found new voices in Dundalk Grammar School's Spring production of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet". Under the direction...

Tuesday, 6th October 2015  sees the school firing its opening salvo of the year in terms of competitive debating as four...

9 young pupils from Bourg-en-Bresse (in Eastern France about 70 Kms northeast of Lyon) are spending a week in Ireland...

Oliver, our caretaker, came across this watercolour in an attic.  It is signed "R. Orpen" , and appears to be...

The design criteria for this project entitled "Reflections of Dundalk Grammar School" were to create a colourful, engaging work of...

On Thursday 3rd September 2015 the Headmaster and staff welcomed the Leaving Certificate Class of 2015 back to the school....

With The Rugby World Cup approaching, students can borrow biographies, novels and books on the sport's history from the school...

Congratulations to the 24 players representing DGS who took part in the1st Year Rugby Blitz on 10th December 2014. ...

On Wednesday 28th January 2014 DGS hosted a visit of staff and students from a school in Vicente López on...

Headmaster's Forward from The Grammarian 2013 The school year began with a great sense of excitement and with more students (over...