Careful management of finances and expenditure allows fees to be maintained at a level that is significantly lower than that which applies elsewhere.
Annual fees are billed in 3 equal instalments (June, November and February) and are set as follows for 2024/2025:
A sibling discount is allowed for families who have more than one child attending the school. Thus a discount is made on the (net) fee charged to day pupils: 6% (second child), 15% (third child) and 30% (fourth and subsequent children). The sibling discount for boarders is as follows: 15% (second child) and 30% (third and subsequent children).
A school scholarship, open to all pupils entering first year, is held on the first Saturday in March annually. Pupils sit papers in Irish, English and Mathematics. In addition a number of scholarships may be open to pupils entering first year. For example, Church of Ireland pupils may sit the Incorporated Society scholarship.
Students from Protestant backgrounds may be eligible for financial support from the Secondary Education Committee (SEC). Full details are available from Mrs Helen Symmons in the Accounts Office, who can also advise on other sources of funding (such as Protestant Aid) for which families may be eligible to apply.
Pupils, who are new applicants to the school, may be eligible for consideration for a boarding bursary. (Unlike scholarships, bursaries are not restricted to pupils entering first year).