
Headmaster: Jonathan Graham

Headmaster: Jonathan Graham

Class size throughout the school is small, due to our substantial investment in additional teachers.  The average class size is around twenty but many groups, particularly in fifth and sixth forms, are even smaller.  All subjects are taught by subject specialists.

The secondary school’s academic courses include Junior Certificate, Transition Year, which is compulsory, and Leaving Certificate – in all, a six-year programme.   The majority of students take Higher Level papers in state examinations, and an average of 97% of Leaving Certificate school leavers progress to third level education in the Republic of Ireland, the United Kingdom or further afield.   The school employs a full-time Careers Teacher/Guidance Counsellor, while another staff member has overall charge of Special Educational Needs.  There is a daily provision for afternoon study which facilitates students staying for later afternoon activities. 

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