The AGM of the Dundalk Grammar School PTA will be held on Wednesday, 14th October 2020 meeting via Zoom at 7.30pm. Zoom login details will be emailed directly from the school to parents prior to the AGM.
This year, the Committee are proposing amendments to the PTA’s Constitution in relation to the number of parents on the Committee and the notice period for the AGM. Details of these amendments are on the school website together with a brief explanation.
As a result, there will hopefully be a number of vacancies to be filled on the committee. We would urge all parents to consider taking up a position on the Committee and in particular boarding parents.
Due to the current circumstances in relation to Covid 19 restrictions, the AGM will be held via Zoom. This is a new departure for the PTA and we hope you will bear with us. The AGM Agenda, last year’s AGM minutes, the proposed amendments to the Constitution together with explanation and the Constitution itself are all available on the school website.
Anyone who would like to be nominated for a position on the Committee or who has queries in relation to the proposed Constitutional amendments can message the PTA Chairman, Lorna Kane on the PTA email address of prior to the 14th October.
The AGM is a great opportunity for parents to get involved in their child’s school life. The PTA are very aware that many parents do not necessarily wish to be on the main committee, but may be available to give support, help at events, bring ideas, etc. Remember the PTA is made up of ALL parents of students in the school and not just the committee members. In the present times especially it is more important than ever that as many parents as possible try to attend the AGM so that the PTA can continue to represent the parents of Dundalk Grammar School and be a vibrant and essential part of school life.
Lorna Kane
Chairman DGS PTA