Parent Contact Sheet

Parent Contact Detail Form

Please help us to keep in contact with you.

The Dundalk Grammar School PTA gets involved annually in several events to help the pupils and the school.

Due to data protection the PTA do not have direct access to parent contact details.

On occasions we would like to inform you of these events and also to enlist your help.

Annual school events involving the PTA:

 TY interviews (Summer Term)

 Fun Family Table Quiz (our main fund raiser)Spring Term

 Second hand uniform sale(Last day of school)

 Compass talks and meetings(Cooperation of minority religions and Protestant Parent Associations)

 Talks of interest to parents

 School open day

 Student council events

In order to keep in touch we would be obliged if you would complete this form and return it as outlined, giving your permission for us to make contact with you.

Click on the following link to view the Parent contact sheet

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