Maths Week Olympiad 2023

The DGS Maths Department would like to extend a huge congratulations to 1st year student Feidhelm Matthews on placing 2nd nationally in the 1st year category of the Maths Week Olympiad 2023.
This competition runs nationally across the Republic and Northern Ireland during the Maths Week in October. First year students were invited to take place in the competition during Maths Week and over 20 DGS students took part. With a score of 17/20 Feidhelm secured 2nd place in the first-year category nationally, competing amidst over 100,000 other students for a top prize. A big well done to Feidhelm on his award, we are all extremely proud of your achievement. 
The next maths competition for 1st years will take place in January 2024 where the IMTA will run their annual First Year Maths competition. All 1st years will compete during a timetabled maths class, stay tuned for further details. 

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