Class of 2020 Graduates Tea and Leaving Certificate Results

Dear Class of 2020,

We trust this email finds you and your family all well.

We had hoped to have the Graduate’s Tea this week but unfortunately, we have had to postpone.

As you know the Leaving Certificate results will be available via the candidate Self-Service Portal on the State Examinations website, at from Monday 7th September. Candidates will be informed of their results through this feature. 

If you have not opted in to receive your L.C. results and provisional statement of results (certificate) you will need to email and to quote your examination number and request to be opted in.

On receipt of your results you may contact the school in relation to CAO offers. Mr Norton will be available via email or telephone the main switchboard 042-9334459.  

Please note that all queries in relation to appeals are to be made directly with the State Exams Commission through the Self-Service Portal. The school has no role to play in the appeals process.

On Friday 4th September your current live DGS email address will be disabled as is school policy.

We wish you every future success and look forward to meeting you all in person post Covid-19. 


Yours sincerely,

Mr J Graham & Mr E Murphy
Headmaster       Deputy Principal


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