Dyslexia for students whilst learning remotely

Good afternoon,

I hope you are well?

In light of the news of the current situation, I wanted to get in touch to offer our services to any of your staff, pupils and even parents who may benefit from them.

It’s so important to continue to give students with reading difficulties access to reading material whilst remote learning. The ReaderPen means that any student who struggles to read independently can benefit from using the devices at home to continue with their studies.

With many schools now closing and thinking about how they are going to support pupils that rely on ongoing reading support, we would love to offer any assistance we can to accommodate this. 

“I liked being able to do the work in class without asking the LSA to help me. I like that I can use it in all my lessons and use it for my work at home. It makes me feel more independent.”
Leeds college pupil”

We have a number of things in mind such as;

– Online webinars with our team for teachers, pupils, parents to find out what the ReaderPen has to offer, how to use them along with running through the supportive resources that we give out free with the pens that can be used in school and at home to support students literacy.

– Extended trial periods for any schools interested in trailing ReaderPen & ExamReader with their pupils. 

– The ability for parents to order a free 14-day trial pen to be sent home in order to support their children’s literacy. 

Click on the following link for more information;


Please do share this email with parents and other members of staff at your school.

If anyone wishes to discuss any of the above, then simply respond to this email or give me a call anytime on 020 3906 9513.

Best wishes


From: James Bowen <jim@scanningpens.com>
Date: 19 March 2020 at 15:46:24 GMT

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