PTA AGM 2019

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) will be held on Wednesday 25th September in the Harper Building. Tea/coffee will be served from 7pm with the meeting commencing at 7.30pm sharp.

The AGM is a great opportunity for all parents to become involved in the life of the school and, this year, there are four vacant positions: two on the PTA Committee and two on the Board of Management (BoM). The duration of the parental representative on the Board is three years with one male and one female parent elected who will have the opportunity to express their own views as a parent.

To be nominated for these vacancies, please contact the PTA Chairperson, Lorna Kane, no later than Monday 23rd September.

On the evening of the AGM there will be a guest speaker, Samantha Teather, discussing the topic of communication between parents and teens. Ms Teather has many years of experience working with both primary and post primary students in a diversity of areas. It is guaranteed to be an interesting and informative presentation.

All DGS parents are welcome to attend the meeting with a particular welcome to new parents. Whilst it is appreciated that many parents do not necessarily wish to be on the main PTA Committee, it is hoped that you may be available to help at events or to bring your ideas forward,

With your support the PTA will continue to represent the parents of Dundalk Grammar School as a vibrant and essential part of school life.

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