Invitation to Celebration of Culture Day 2019

Dear Parents,

We invite you to join with us for our 2nd Annual Celebration of Culture Day on Thursday March 14th from 1.00pm.

You can visit the various Cultural Stalls on display.

The highlight of the Day will be our Celebration of Culture Presentation Event, which will commence at 2.00pm.

The Day is about celebrating diversity and culture. It is very much being driven by the students. A number of Embassies will be represented on the Day, to join with us in our celebration.

The impetus for the Day is coming from a hard-working and highly motivated group of students who comprise the Organising Group. This Group has received welcome and appreciated support from the PTA.

We hope you can join with us in our celebration at some stage during the Day. Please encourage your child to embrace the day, either by setting up a stall, or by participating in the afternoon Presentation Event.


Each student is encouraged to come to school in cultural attire, that reflects their cultural background that they are proud to represent on the day.

Organising Group
Celebration of Culture Day

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