Creative Art Environment at DGS

The Art Department at Dundalk Grammar School has fantastic facilities allowing students to explore their talents and creativity in a friendly and safe environment.

Along with more traditional disciplines like painting and drawing, pupils are encouraged to develop their skills in ceramics, fine print and textiles art.

Students work on the right demonstrate the amazing results that can be achieved within this supported and stimulating environment mixed with experienced and inspiring tutors.

Ceramic sculptures pictured here were completed by 2nd and 5th year students, some students are more experienced than others in the medium and some have never worked with clay before.

There are also examples of 1st year students work who tried their hand at monoprinting, collage and batik, demonstrating the variety of ideas colour schemes and finishes.

3rd year student’s drawing shown here demonstrate the standard of excellence and talent present at DGS.

Regardless of their previous experience all participants are instigated to challenge themselves during the process exploring their ideas, techniques and methods of the material.

Pupils are also continuously informed about art related opportunities outside the school campus and encouraged to avail of these in order to develop their future careers in art  related fields.

Two of our students were accepted onto a mentorship programme at The Basement Gallery, An Tain, Dundalk this coming September, where the artist in residence will mentor and advice successful pupils on their portfolios and art practice.

Therefore with the professional and highly motivated art teachers, Dundalk Grammar School’s Visual Art Department is going from strength to strength.


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