Student Council

Student Council Executive Board (2021-2022)

Chairperson                           Katie Reenan
Vice-Chairperson               Cillian Sheahan
Secretary Generale           Isabelle McArdle
Minister of Communications and Gaeilge: TBA
Minister of Finance: TBA
Minister of Health: TBA

Student Council Members

The Dundalk Grammar School Student Council (DGS SC) has an active role in school life and manages several annual initiatives. The Council has around 30 members drawn from different years and forms throughout the school. The Student Council promotes the wellbeing of the school’s students and actively fights for their voices to be heard.

The officers are elected every year with the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary standing as officers for the rest of the academic year. The Student Council works closely with the Headmaster, Deputy Head and teaching staff and makes sure that their sides are considered as well. We are always looking for support from Students and allow them to sit in on meetings.

We are one of 450 member schools on ISSU (Irish Second-Level Students’ Union) who represents students’ voices on a national and international level.

Contact us:


·  Talent Show 2022

· Non Uniform Day 2021

· Simon Food Appeal 2021

· SC & TFW Lunch Competition


The Official 2022 Student Council Constitution

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