House Examinations 3rd Years

House Examinations commence for 3rd year students from Thursday 23rd November to Friday 1st December, 2017.

House Examinations End

House examinations end for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th year students at 3.50pm.

Enterprise Day

1st and Transition Year Enterprise Day / Christmas Fair takes place today in Finnamore Hall. All welcome.

Christmas Holidays

School closes for Christmas Holidays on Friday 22nd December, 2017 (re-opening Monday 8th January 2018). Secondary and Junior School Closes...

School re-opens

School re-opens after Christmas holidays. Boarders return the morning of the 8th January, 2018 before 8.45am.

School Dance 6th Years

School Dance (6th years), Ballymascanlon House Hotel. Tickets from Mr. Symmons, email: