Secondary School Curriculum

All secondary students follow a six year cycle

Junior Cycle : Ages 12 – 15 approximately

  • First Year
  • Second Year
  • Third Year – Junior Certificate Examination

Senior Cycle : Ages 15 – 18 approximately

  • Transition Year – compulsory
  • Fifth Year
  • Six Year – Leaving Certificate Examination

In addition to the State Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate Examinations, pupils are prepared for many other assessments.  For example, many undertake examinations in music (instruments and voice), and speech and drama; the Computer Department prepares candidates for the European Computer Driving Licence. Students may undertake assessment in Physical Education for GCSE.  Others recognised qualifications include areas such as first aid (Red Cross), sailing (Irish Sailing Association) and horse-riding (British Horse Society).

Secondary School Pupils

Secondary School Pupils

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