Mystery Painting

Oliver, our caretaker, came across this watercolour in an attic.  It is signed “R. Orpen” , and appears to be have completed for an architect, perhaps “Deane & Co”.  We haven’t been able to identify the building – perhaps it was never constructed?  If you recognise it or know anything about its provenance do please contact  us and pass on what you know.

Signed "R. Orpen .....Deane & Co...Architects

Signed “R. Orpen …..Deane & Co…Architects

Update 17 Sept 2009: The name “Orpen” rang a bell for one parent who has submitted the following information:

  • Orpen was an Architect based in Dublin around the 19th century, full name Richard Francis Caulfield Orpen. He established his own practice at 1889…see
  • Deane & Co, is Thomas Manly Deane who began practice as an architect and as a partner in his father’s firm. The practice was known as THOMAS DEANE & SON until 29 August 1890…see
  • Both Orpen and Deane were know to have worked together and both men have well renowned, documented professions and commissions. I’m not sure where this painting represents? It could simply have been a competition that Orpen entered?

Hope this is of some help…Regards..Gareth Collier
Having re-examined the inscription, the architectural firm credited does appear to read “Thos Deane and Co”.  Many thanks to Gareth for this information.

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