21 Jan Students make Cheque Presentation to SOSAD DUNDALK
Posted at 10:21h
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3 Green CSPE Mental Health Young Social Innovators Group presented a cheque for €230 to Hattie Billingham, Sosad Dundalk Coordinator, on Thursday January 20.
The cheque presented was the proceeds from the Teacher Bucket Challenge held in the school on Wednesday December 15 in aid of Young People’s Mental Health
SOSAD stands for Save Our Sons And Daughters.
It is a charity founded in 2006 whose mission is to help prevent suicide and improve the lives of all people affected by depression and suicide.
SOSAD Dundalk began in Dundalk in October 2010, moving to its office on Jocelyn Street Dundalk in 2014.
The team offer free counselling, 24-hour helpline and bereavement supports to those dealing with suicide and its impact. SOSAD Dundalk provides a much-needed support within the community to champion their ethos “There is Always Hope, Don’t Cope Alone”
Left to right: Sarah, Eabha, Abigail, Mia and Alva, (missing Isabelle), presenting their cheque to Hattie Billingham
The girls wish to thank all those who contributed to their collection. They wish to sincerely thank those students and teachers who sportingly volunteered for the Bucket Challenge.