VEX Robotics Virtual Workshop

Hi all,
As part of the DkIT computing Outreach program, the DkIT Digital Pizza Parlour, DkIT are running a Virtual Vex Robotic workshop next Tuesday, 23rd March at 2pm.  
This workshop is focusing on schools that have a VEX Robotic Kit and use them as part of their TY program teaching maths, physics and problem-solving skills.   
This workshop is an introduction to Vex Robotics using their VR platform.  As part of the workshop students learn to program a virtual robot to carry out tasks.

The Digital Pizza Parlour offers student from TY classes to engage in workshops covering Website Development, Programming using micro:bits,  Music through Code and Robotics.

Participants will be introduced to a topic and led through a series of tutorials and exercises to provide a grounding in the subject. 

All workshops used online applications which do not require any downloads.  Students saved their work throughout and could return to their projects late, if they wish.  

If you are interested in taking part in the Robotics workshop or would like further information on our Outreach Programme, please let me know.

Best regards,

Dr. Philip Scanlon

Recruitment and Retention Officer

Assistant Lecturer

School of Informatics & Creative Arts

Ph: +353 (0) 42 9370289       Ext: 2086

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