After School Study, Uniform and PE Kit

Reminders/After School Sports/After School Study/Ventilation of classrooms


If a student has PE timetabled on a school day, they should wear their PE kit to school.

PE students must wear the school crested top and plain navy blue track suit bottomsLeggings are not permitted.


After School Extracurricular Sports Activities will commence from Monday 7th September, a timetable will be issued shortly. 

All after school sports will be Year grouped.

Day students who participate in afterschool sports will be permitted to change from their uniform in changing rooms, adequately spaced.  They should remain in their PE kit to go home.

Alternative arrangements are in place for boarding students.

PE kit should not be worn during the day unless the students are timetabled to do so.After School Study commences on Monday 7th September; forms can be downloaded from the school website or hard copies are available on the table outside Deputy Principal’s office.

All classooms in school will be well ventilated; windows/doors left open for improved ventilation. The heating will be on but heat loss is inevitable.

Please ensure that your son/daughter has extra layers of clothes to wear as we approach the colder weather.

All coats worn must be DGS uniform jackets.  

Click on the following  After School Study Sept 2020 to read more.


Click on the following Supervised Afternoon study (2 pages) Download link.


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