Bio Diversity Green Schools Flag Assessment

The Bio Diversity Green Schools Flag Assessment took place in the School on Friday March 29th. The assessment was carried out by officials from Louth County Council.

The drive to secure the Green Flag has come from Ashik and his 3 Green CSPE Green Schools Action Project Group.

The group has been joined in its campaign by three 5th Year Politics students, who are undertaking their Citizenship Action Project on Climate Change, and by TY students who are participants in the Grow Your Own Project.

While still a small group, enthusiasm and determination has carried the students on this Green Schools Committee to this point, and the Assessment was the culmination of a lot of behind the scenes effort.

The Committee now awaits the deliberations of the judges. Whether the School is awarded the Flag or not will not take away in any way from the pride of these students in what they have achieved to date, in putting the environment very much on the agenda in the discourse in the School.

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