26 Jan Celebration of Culture Day
Celebration of Culture Day takes place in DGS on Thursday March 15th. It is a day to celebrate the diverse range of cultures in our school.
The success of the day will be down to the student body taking ownership. Students have been attending meetings since September, and the feedback is positive.
The students took an Assembly a number of weeks back to unveil their aspirations to the wider student body for celebrating Culture in DGS.
Everyone who is interested is encouraged to plan and organise their own event with their own students, as a contribution to the theme of Culture on March 15th. It does not matter how big or small, it will be a contribution to the theme of celebrating Culture in our school on that day.
Meetings will be held every Tuesday 4pm to 5pm in Room H43. Next meeting this Tuesday Jan 30th. All welcome. This Day is owned by the students, so we need your contributions.
Interested students will attend, and any interested staff who may wish to attend are welcome.