09 Mar Hong Kong Visitors
On 4th November 2014 Dundalk Grammar School hosted a visit of senior educators from Hong Kong. The delegation, including school principals, school inspectors, and curriculum advisors, was led by Mr Anthony Cheng of the Irish International Education Center, Hong Kong and Mr Kam Chin, Chairperson of the Irish Chinese Society, Galway. Mr Chin said that “We hope this visit will give the delegation an insight into Irish quality education and Irish schools”.
The visit also aimed to promote stronger cultural and educational links between Ireland and Hong Kong. During their week in Ireland the group visited a number of institutions for higher and further education throughout the country.
Dundalk Grammar School was the only school included on their itinerary and they said that they were very impressed with what they saw in the school, particularly the innovative work being undertaken as part of the Transition year programme. On their return to Hong Kong they intended to share some of their insights and new knowledge by contributing to an Irish week being planned for February 2015.