18 Sep Gaisce Adventure 2009
Posted at 18:12h
in Gaisce
This year 16 transition year students along with three staff headed to the Mourne Mountains to complete their Gaisce Bronze award. The weather was not very kind to us on the first day nevertherless we assembled our tents in the rain and set off on our Hike. On Sunday 10th May we set off on our ascent of Slieve Donard and the sun shone brightly all the way. An excellent weekend was had by all (see more photos in tne media gallery) and students hope to complete their final weeks of their award over the summer and receive their award early next term.
The school would like to congratulate the 40 current 6th year pupils who completed their Bronze award during the last academic year and which was awarded in September last. Well done to all concerned and more students hope to go for Gold next year.